Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ultra Sound - 18 weeks

Baby's heart, spine, butt, and leg.

Baby's Profile

Baby's Profile and Hand

Baby's Profile 

Baby Sucking Thumb

Baby was moving around so much during the ultra sound, every time the guy snapped a picture it was blurry. He finally captured the above images fairly blurry free. Although, during the process I was experiencing excruciating kidney pain. A half hour after the ultra sound Zach and I decided it was best to go to the emergency room to check out what was going on with my kidney. Three hours in the hospital and it turned out to be nothing. I was exhausted from enduring the pain for so long and had to go home and prepare for the wedding that was happening in 4 days! All in all, I am healthy and most importantly baby is healthy. We finally captured the cute profile of our precious little one, it is so amazing to see our baby's little face! We are going to be surprised about the sex so for now we are calling it the healthy baby, or Peanut!

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