Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby bump - 34 weeks

Back pain, hip pain, pelvic pain, insomnia, heartburn, frequent urination.... Pregnancy is not for me! Doctor reports that both baby and I are healthy, so I suppose all is well. I am just ready for this all to be over. Zach and I have met with our Doula, or birth coach, and are starting birth classes next week. We have yet to prepare the house for baby's arrival. I am having my baby showers the next two weekends so hopefully we are ready for baby's debut. People are asking me if I am due soon, so I know I am getting BIG! Also, baby is moving like crazy!!! I always see little arms and legs moving across my tummy. That is quite amazing, until I get a foot in the rib, then I am not having fun anymore. 

1 comment:

  1. You look beautiful. I'm sad that I'm missing your shower. Enjoy. xoxo
