Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baby Bump - 24 weeks

All is well on the baby front. I had a check up this week and the baby is growing perfectly and is moving a lot. Next month we are moving to doctors visits every two weeks! As for me, I suppose I am growing also! The prenatal pilates has worked wonders for my hip issues, but I am still having trouble sleeping. Zach is enjoying watching my belly grow, and has been a champ with helping me get out of bed. (that is getting harder and harder) 
20 horseys from Glacier Pack Station are staying on the ranch for a few weeks. We got up this morning and fed them carrots. It was been a joy having these beautiful animals outside our living room window!
Benny has been getting all sorts of pleasure out of harassing the horseys as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a body pillow? There big and take up lots of room but so worth it!! Sometimes you just need that extra support under your belly.
